Saturday, 30 November 2013

The days after

Waking up after surgery I was in so much pain I had epidural but once again it his no affect luckily I was given morphine, I was away with fairys! It was late when I was taken back to the ward, the next day I got to see Chris,mum and dad. Mr S came to see me to tell me everything went well,always words I like to hear. The next few days I was taken of the morphine that's when I went downhill, my 29cm wound was ousing green smelly puss! Nice, I developed a high temp and constantly sick all the signs of infection, the decided to remove the staples and I was put on IV antibiotics, now my wound was a massive open wound that needed packing and dressing 2/3 times a day. A few days after that I got to see Jess and Adam by this time they were 14 and 9 years old I managed to see them I think half hour but I was in so much pain Chris had to take them home. I was in hospital for 3 weeks then one morning unexpected they allowed me to go home yipeeeeeeee

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