Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Too much pain!!

Where to start! Since my last update I’ve had a  problem with pain & lots of it. Having to call the palliative care team (my nurse H) I was referred to a consultant at our local hospice who then referred me to the the pain clinic where I saw a doctor who offered to give me a nerve block injection into my pelvis in the hope this would help ease the pain. 3 week ago I went in and had the injection it was a straight forward procedure and was thinking positive that in a few days time I would be ‘pain free’ I couldn't have been more wrong,the day after I had the same amount of pain,by Friday evening the pain was horrendous this continued until Monday,my mum had to call for my nurse,within the hour she was at my house,on the phone to the doctor arranging stronger pain relief,the extra medicines took that edge of the pain but by Wednesday I was in agony pain scoring 10 top of the chart so my mum called the nurse out again,we had to get Chris home too something I don’t like having to do but I was screaming in agony nothing I took touched the pain. The nurse got here just as the pain was easing to about a 7/10, more increased meds and she spoke to the doctor who had done the nerve block and he reviewed the X-rays and noted bruising & inflammation, this could be the reason for the increase in pain. We spoke about if things didn’t settle down I’ll be admitted to the hospice for 7 days for pain control so they could monitor it 24/7, not a route I wanted to take but I’m prepared to do anything so I have some relief from pain. Over the next few days pain was on & off and we spoke about going back to the pain clinic to see if the doctor could do anything else for me. Yesterday was my appointment and I decided to go for the nerve block again,although feeling nervous as I don’t want to suffer that much pain again but I’d rather try this then we still have the hospice option left open if I need to go in. No date yet for the procedure and the last few days the pain has been much easier on & off. 
I’m still having chemo every 2 weeks,I have a scan mid November and I’m back to see jo early December. The last scan showed the pelvic tumours were ‘stable’ but the pesky lung had growth, I’m hoping next time we see jo she’ll have a plan to tackle the lung. 
I’ll update once we’ve had the results. 
Thank you Julie xx

Monday, 10 April 2017

9 year ago.

Yesterday the 9th of April, a date I'll never forget 9 year ago I was diagnosed with cancer it was 9th april 2008 at 1:30pm, I knew as soon as he walked in the room what he was going to say and I wasn't wrong,the rest of the day was a blur full off why me,what's going to happen,I was worried.
9 year on and I'm thankful I'm here to see my children grow. I'm lucky I have chris and my mum who between them make sure I'm not alone at any appointments, scans etc.
Update on how I am
mh leg is back in Bandages, I have a cut on the back of my leg that got infected,that's almost healed then last week the nurse noticed where the original ulcer was last year that has started to break down again, swabs confirmed infection,I'm now back on antibiotics. In January I noticed a tiny hole in my skin about 1 inch under my Stoma, I called the colorectal nurse at the hospital, by the time I saw her it had opened up and was much bigger and quite deep so she swabbed it and a week later I went back and again it was so much bigger, the swabs confirmed infection, the antibiotics didn't help it was just getting bigger each time so I went back to see a different colorectal nurse who said it was an ulcer.
A few week ago I went to see my oncologist Jo and showed her the photos on my phone of how it started and how bad it had got, her thought was is it cancer? A biopsy to see if so, I really didn't expect that. I'm back to see the colorectal nurse on the 13th and see what she thinks, it's so terribly sore, when I move it feels like it's splitting, I'm cleaning and packing it daily with sorbsan. I so hope it's not disease I will keep you updated.
I have a scan date aswell, she wants to know what's going on due to all the pain in my leg into foot,the palliative care nurse is coming regularly to help get it under control she's increased meds I'm on and another has been added, it's much better to how it was a few week ago but I can go from no pain at all to the worst possible pain within minutes.
This week is chemo week I'm carrying on with chemo until I've had the scan and seen Jo for the results but still hope to continue after that but will depend on the scan if the chemo is still working. Fingers and toes crossed!
I'll update again once I've seen Jo for the results.
Love Julie xx