Today results day, a day full of mixed emotions, as we sat in the waiting room waiting to see my oncologist my head is full of worry, the waiting is torture you think of the worst but hope for the best, luckily we didn't have a long wait. It was the first time Jo had seen me having to use my walking stick, I could see the sadness on her face as she mentioned it but I told her It helps me and it doesn't bother me now, we do have a good friendship with Jo after all I've been seeing her for 7 1/2 year now and she knows I'm prepared to take any treatment she can offer me. So after the usual 'how are you' she went on to say the scan does show the tumour in my pelvis had grown, that's what I expected due to all the pain but she was reassured that it's not spread anywhere else, she did mention the 2 nodules in my lung but they've not changed since previous scans so she doesn't think it's anything that we need concern about. The plan is 3 month of chemo every 2 week but first I need a permanent line in my chest, it's called a portacath (think that's how you spell it) that's done as day surgery in theatre, I should get an appointment within 2 week then start chemo almost straight after.
The pain is much better with increased meds but still having trouble sleeping and pain during the night, the steroids make me hungry I do nothing but eat! I've put on a stone in 3 week, but I feel much better for it and I seem to have more energy too.
For now I'm keen to get on with the chemo and hope it shrinks the disease and gives me more relief from pain.
I'd just like to thank you all for the well wishes. Don't know what I'd do without you all you give me hope & strength to fight on.
Lots of love Julie xxxxx