Friday 3 July 2015

how things are.

Hello all! It's been a while since I updated my blog, I've been meaning to update for a few weeks as people have been asking how I am, my usual response is 'I'm fine thanks' so for all those who ask here's a little more than 'I'm fine thanks'!!
Where we are at-my last treatment was radiotherapy September 14' the scan I had after that in early 2015 showed what we kind of expected, slight growth but nothing major that my oncologist wants to rush into doing anything as things are stable and no spread.
That was good it meant I could enjoy a long break and a much needed family holiday that we all desperately needed. The holiday came and went we all had a lovely time and great sunshine too.
Mobility-I'snt great, the pain is just that a pain! I've had morphine increased several times to try and get on top of the pain. I've finally given in and started using a walking stick (sad face) although I must admit it sure does help me get around more easily.
Latest appointment- a few week ago I had an appointment with my oncologist and she was happy things are still as expected, bloods Etc all good, this means another break and we have another holiday booked. At my next app she'll arrange more scans and take it from there, I'm not sure how long things will stay stable for I don't suppose it's something that anyone knows.
For now I'm enjoying life, seeing my children growing up into young adults they make me proud every single day, I still have cancer but as always remain positive even when I could scream when the pain is unbearable, that's usually at night time!.
Work- (sad face) I am now no longer employed, my health has taken that away from me, it's incredibly sad that In reality I know I'll never work again, I've known for a few months but it's been difficult to actually take in. It's a horrible feeling and only them in this situation will understand.
So from me to you think when you are at work, having a bad day, it's sunny outside and you're stuck inside working or you work weekends just take a few moments and think how bloody lucky you are that you can work! I'm becoming good at biting my tongue when I read certain things on social media. What I'd give to have my health and go to work everyday and not be at home in pain going through this shit every single day. Be happy & healthy Julie xx