Monday, 17 March 2014

Surgery news!

It's now 7:40pm Monday 17th march 2014, surgery was Friday, I was first on the list so rather a rush in the morning to be ready for theatre, Chris was with me, the doctors came and told us what the procedure would involve, he said expect to wake up with lots of drips,nasal tube, canula in neck etc omg the horror on my face! I said by to Chris and was taken away crying, that was 8:30am the next thing I remember was waking up around 3pm in recovery then was taken to HDU, luckily no nasal tube and canula in both feet rather than my neck..OUCH. After a sleepy/sickness weekend I'm now on a ward, 3 of the surgeons came to see me this morning, I asked how it went Mr s said the tricky part was getting to the tumour after 2 previous resections this one was going to be difficult, I benefited well from having the chemo last year and it helped in the removal of the tumour, he managed to get all around and underneath without any damage, this doesn't mean that it all has been removed as we need to wait for all lab results but he was happy. Jess and Adam came to see me today, made me smile lots, but they've gone and I miss them so much, wish I could go home with them. I'm still in pain on and off,morphine and other drugs helping, I have a wound that will hopefully heal well this time and hopefully next few days the drain in my groin can be taken out and start to feel stronger I haven't done any walking yet so that's tomorrow's plan then possibly home early next week. Thank you for all the lovely messages and special thanks to Clair & Darren for coming to sit with me while in HDU. Xx

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Surgery date at last!

Finally after months of pestering I now have a date Friday 14th march,this Friday, I'm very nervous I just hope and pray that prof S is able to remove the tumour, fingers and toes crossed please!. I've had a difficult few weeks health wise, firstly urine infection this is nothing new really as I have a stent from kidney to bladder so prone to infection, however this was far worse than I've had before, we had to call emergency doctor at 4am on my birthday, then the same day had to go to A&E as I felt terrible,came home with different antibiotics that seemed to help, then a few days later bowel blockage so had to call 999 for an ambulance,I felt so ill I just wanted to cry and sleep! Feeling much better now though and I'm all ready for Friday, will keep you posted on things when I can xxxx